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Crip AKA Jeffrey P Rodefer

Started by maxx, Sep 15, 16, 11:58:32 PM

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June 12, 1962 - January 2, 2014
"I have fought a good fight I have finished my course, I have kept the faith."
II Timothy 4:7

On November 28, 2013, Jeff posted his last status update on his Facebook page.  Being a very religious person, his status on that day was simple and elegant, the passage shown above from II Timothy 4:7.

At 5:30 AM on January 2, 2014, our friend and colleague Jeff made the final trek into the light and, no doubt, met his beloved Mother and his Saviour Jesus Christ at the Rainbow Bridge, where he was escorted into the Gates of Heaven to sit at the right side of God the Father.

He was our Team Member, and we all loved him, but, more importantly, we all respected him.  In fact, everyone who ever knew him respected him for the work he did throughout his life.  I have tried to count all the ways that he helped all of us but the list is so extensive that one loses count after awhile.  It is conservatively estimated that Crip created nearly 500 unique SMF themes, but that number may indeed be much greater.  He did this while sitting in his wheelchair and using sticks in his mouth to tap out commands on his mouse and keyboard because of the terrible accident that occurred when he was only 25 years old that paralyzed him from the neck down.

Jeff is now at peace with his disability.  In the last year, he lost both his Mother and his Father, and missed them both very much, but is now, no doubt, making themes in Heaven for his God.  He will be missed by all who loved and respected him.

Jeff and his beloved Mother from the early years
~ before the accident that took his mobility ~

On the evening of New Years Day, Jeff had a good last supper, according to his sister-in-law Connie, and then went to bed early, as was his custom.  He woke up early on the morning of January 2nd, as was also his custom, gave Connie some simple last instructions, and went back to sleep.  He never woke back up and passed at 5:30AM that morning.  According to Jeff's wishes, there will be no Funeral Service for him, and he requested that no flowers be sent or donations made in his honor.  For those who knew him, you all know that he was a simple man.  His only instruction for us was "that ZarPrime and Maxx keep my website going for as long as they can."  We will adhere to his wishes as long as we can but we may seek help from some of you who might choose to volunteer to help us.

Despite the fact that Jeff didn't want anyone to go out of their way to honor him, Connie gave me an address so that those of you who wanted to could send messages or cards of Condolence or remembrances of our friend.
Jeffrey P Rodefer

Jeff, or Crip, as we knew him, in later years

EDIT: More images of Jeff can be found in the gallery here:;cat=2


We Still remember and miss you Brother.. and still keeping our promise! I want to thank Scrubmeister for paying the bills and kicking me in butt once and again! :)



Yes, we still remember and miss you! :)


We surely do miss you Jeff... seems like only yesterday.


I have considered writing this post since the incident I am to describe happened, but for obvious reasons have been reluctant. Today I am ready...

I did not know Jeffrey, or Crip, in life, but I met him recently through meditation. I had been seeking a good SMF forum theme for some time, and couldn't find anything suitable within my budget. I hadn't heard of this site before that day though. I looked through and many of the themes were fantastic beyond fantastic in my opinion; but I was cash shy to get the minor tweaks that any of the ones that I liked needed in order to take it live.

So I sat here somewhat dejected, but with your site's download page open. I let my mind clear and went into a meditative state. Though I didn't see Jeffrey, through telepathy he told me some things. He wanted me to use one of his themes, and led me to the one that needed least tweaks according to my requisites. It is now in the works and is absolutely beautiful, he helped me choose "Dark Modern".

He then let me know that for this site to continue to run and to thrive, is a blessing to him. So why I want to make this post now, is so that those in care of the work that he spent his latter life to create, be informed that he is thankful of what you have done, and that he is appreciative that this project has come this far, and that he only hopes that this site can continue to serve those with a need for SMF forum templates. By the way, that's all he said.

Thank you, to Crip and to those that run this site, for helping me on my way.


Thank you for what appears to be kind and thoughtful words. Although Jeff did all this work and free to all. He had made a mark in the world to toughs  of us that worked with him and as far as all the people that use and have used his work, there are very few who even stop by to say anything at all or to thank him :(




Marry Christmas JEFF and Steve and Scubby !

Look toward and way better New year to come!



Happy New Year Jeff!

It's been 3 Years and seems like just the other day when we last spoke on the phone.

I shall never forget you and We are still keeping it up on the Web as promised...

Hope those who had known You stop by and pay their respects!



Yes, 3 years today.  :(

Still an inspiration when ever I think about him.  :)