
On Deck: Next is "Whitebox" For SMF 2.1.4! ;)

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Cumputers & Gadgets / LanguageTool, Your Writing Ass...
Last post by Skhilled - Dec 18, 23, 10:44:37 PM
You can add this as a browser add-on, etc. and it works very well! You can also use the online version:
Theme Support / Re: Next On Deck for SMF 2.1.x
Last post by Skhilled - Dec 18, 23, 10:32:14 PM
Ambassador has already been updated awhile ago. You can download it here:
SMF 2.1.4 Themes / Re: Ambassador Theme Released!
Last post by Skhilled - Dec 18, 23, 10:30:29 PM
Hi Lucarella, and welcome aboard! :)

Please post a link to your website, so I can see what the problem is. :)
Theme Support / Re: Next On Deck for SMF 2.1.x
Last post by Lucarella - Dec 18, 23, 02:41:11 PM
Since I'm doing tests for 2.1.4, in addition to the ambassador theme I would also like to add the darkmodern since it is a really nice theme and I ask you if there is still a lot of time for the release of the updated version, or is there still a lot to wait?

Thank you
SMF 2.1.4 Themes / Re: Ambassador Theme Released!
Last post by Lucarella - Dec 18, 23, 02:38:40 PM
Hi guys, I'm new to this forum, even though I've been using your themes on my forums for many years, like Whitebox, ambassador for 2.0 and darkmodern and someone else whose name I can't remember now (it's normal after a long time)
In these days I'm doing tests for SMF 2.1.4 and I've inserted the ambassador theme (nice as always) and I have a question:
How can I center my banner at the top of everything?
By entering the URL the image is displayed off-centre to the left but I like to see it perfectly in the centre.
Unfortunately I'm not good and even looking at the index.css I couldn't find the solution.

Thanks for your help
General Talk / Re: Les (Lesmond) Needs Your P...
Last post by Ken. - Dec 17, 23, 07:08:25 PM
Rest in peace Dear Friend. We will miss you and you will always be in our hearts and our prayers.
General Talk / Re: Les (Lesmond) Needs Your P...
Last post by TwitchisMental - Dec 17, 23, 02:15:33 AM
Rest in Peace Les.
Site News / Re: Forum Upgrade To SMF 2.1.4
Last post by Skhilled - Dec 15, 23, 11:34:17 PM
All of the 'C' themes are done. :)

Plus two others that I've found. :P
General Talk / Re: Les (Lesmond) Needs Your P...
Last post by Scrubmeister - Dec 15, 23, 07:03:40 PM
So sorry to hear this. 

Rest in peace Les. 
General Talk / Re: Les (Lesmond) Needs Your P...
Last post by Skhilled - Dec 14, 23, 09:03:14 PM
I regret to tell you all this... This morning his daughter said that he passed away peacefully with her mum and his dog by his side. :'(