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Site default theme CZ2015-D1

Started by lurkalot, Jul 20, 15, 05:30:20 AM

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Guys, how you doing,

the default theme you have set here, CZ2015-D1.  Is it just me or does it not work properly in IE11 ?  If I go to Profile > Look and layout for example, the dropdowns are just little horizontal scroll bars. I also found it a tad straining on the eyes, so changed theme, hence why I noticed those scrollbars.


Lurk, thanks and I am aware of  this never got around correcting it, was think to do way with the drop down and use the old style menu, have not decided, and many things going on. But thanks for reminder on this :)

the menu and CSS are custom built for responsive and newer stuff. :) I have my own CSS code, plus the SMF, so it does conflict, I'll need to go trough when I get the chance, the scripts are also custom! Just a phase I'm going through to keep up with themes, that most do not want to hear!

How are thing going with you, how all is good!



Maxx, good to see the place still going, some nice stuff being worked on.  Responsive seems to be the way to go these days, so good to see you're keeping up with all these changes.  O0

Things are good here atm, thanks for asking.   ;)

By the way, how many posts before the verification on posting goes away?  It's a nightmare lol..


OK let me up your post! give me 1!@

Please check out  and site is mine now :)

Want the young to have a chance we did not get :) to learn free!



aha, that's better, took me five attempts to make my last post, hen had o start over because I said I'd already submitted it. lol.. 

Thanks maxx.  O0

ooh, didn't know you had  I'll check it out.  ;)


Maxx, can I ask a couple of questions, and please don't take his he wrong way, I'm just curious.

Both those sites are using the same theme, or they look the same to me.  When you view the posts there's a really big empty space to the right hand side of each avatar, and the actual text in the post is pushed down instead of being beside the avatar.  This results in a lot of scrolling to read the posts.  I think it also does the same here using your default theme, CZ2015-D1

Is this by design?


No...thanks I think I was playing with this at one point and did not check on, various resolutions , so could very well be an issue, I do not have anyone to check these things for me, I on my own You know :) I will look into this and the menu thing soon,I use to check stuff for Jeff back when!  :idiot2: 2 me
edit: also upped you post count at B&T!



No worries, maxx. 

Sites look great apart from that.  I'm going to check out your theme making vids.  Watching these tutorials in video form is a great way to learn, I pick stuff up easier when shown like this. Nice one.   8) 

And thanks on the post count thing.  O0


It's crazy keeping up with the Google and Mobile stuff, and at all the time so things get crazy looking at times! :)
Don't do much for the PUB just a hobby , you know!


This theme stuff is way over my head, tbh I'm a bit old to learn new tricks.  I leave that stuff to you guys, lol..  I bought a cheapie windows phone the other day, and I have trouble operating that.  :D


I have one for while now just use it for checking the mobile stuff I do..

BTW please let me know what size and resolution your monitor is, the poster area I can not dup the issue, but I don't uie or like IE , but I know many do!
Also on Windows 10 I've been using that for months now and  got the full Pro version already,  I'm on the testing team. I'll get my Laptop at win 10 in a few. I like very much!

Also if you could suggest to the TP team, If they could have the side panels close on moblie detect like we have on Ezportal ( I'm on the Ezportal team of 2 for about 5 years now we have version complete for SMF 2.1 already for several months now!

