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CripZone Site Rules and Guidelines

Started by Maxx, Apr 17, 11, 10:40:18 AM

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In addition to the agreement you made at registration, please read and understand the following, if you any question or concerns, please feel free to ask an Admin Staff memember.

1. This Is Family Friendly site and we will not tolerate any type of bashing, Harassment's and or bad language on our site. This includes no bashing or negativity towards any Government, Country, Religion, Sex or Race. These things will be removed without warning, not allowed at all, and you will be warned and or banned from this site!

Basically this site is here to inform help others help themselves with positive contributions!

2. No Adult content or spamming allow here! (Zero Tolerance and banning of account and IP if necessary we will report you for abuse). and no links to these type site allowed!

3. Be forewarned that if anyone violates our rules you reviewed and will be dealt with accordingly.

4. The staff and this site works Free of charge ( Voluntarily ) and are here only to assist you with and whenever possible, we are not responsible for any misleading and false information provided here, if you post false information, you are accountable for it. The staff will be treated with respect at all times and any negativity or bashing will not be tolerated.

5.  If you have a website that is directly related to a topic in our forums and your allowed one link to your website only! ( subject to approval)  We do not allow any type links in your Signature or Nick ( live or coded ) for any reason unless you are given permission from the admin of this site!

6. Do not post copyrighted or trademarked information or content on our forms unless you have written permission from the Author. and credit is given to the Author and or source of said information.

a. No illegal software, programs, applications, warez, cracked, codes or scripts/serials number allowed here in forums or PM's.

7. If you link to a subject of common subject interest, it must be on topic and directly to the subject at hand, no misleading links or links to non related ads and or content. and only one link! ( also subject to admin approval ).

The follow guides are for you own safety:

For your own on-line protection and security:

Please note that if you are under the age thirteen (13) Don't register to this forum, and if you are Under the legal age for your country or State we encourage you to have  a responsible Adult with you while you are on-line at all times.

And Never use your Email address as your nick or user name! Select Hide your email from the public in your profile settings!
Please do not give any personnel information to anyone on-line at any time. unless you know exactly whom you are talking to and only do so through caution using your email service and do not post your personal information any place on this or any web site.

Under your Profile you can select to hide your Email address and this may also be done at the time of sign up. ( this also prevents spam bots for hit your Email Address).

If you find anyone acting strangely or trying to get to personable with you or if they are bashing or causing you problems of any type, please let us know ASAP! Please do not respond to this person!

We reserve the right to change all or any part of the above rules and guidelines as We feel necessary to fit this site and Community at any time without warning, so please check back here often!