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Cold Weather Warnings

Started by Maxx, Jan 06, 14, 09:53:57 AM

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First I like to say if you have no real reason to go out doors, Don't do IT!
Most people in the US are not prepared in any way for this type conditions!

If you do have to go out doors make you have extra blankets and cloths in the car, like coats and paints and cloves face protection, most people forget to cover their legs and frost bite is very likely to happen and quickly, to the legs and feet and face ears nose, and it does not take long to happen.

While driving keep your distance from other car, be cause if the traffic gets stuck due to and accident or any reason you have room to get out of a possible trap. ( this happens way too many times).  Do not wait too long to notify for help, if needed. Do not panic and go out side you car, stay warm and away from windows as much as possible. ( same in you outside walls a windows can get very cold>

I live up in North Dakota but we Hard special clothing and it was still dangerous , so Please take!



wow Maxx, it doesnt sound good at all, here in Australia last week we had extreme heat, seems like you have the other.
I hope you all take care *S*


We've had some of that weather here in Maine lately too. Its not fun.

Bundle in many layers and don't stay out long. You can't fool around with that kind of cold.


We got a total of 16 inches of snow overnight. Very windy with some drifts over 72 inches. We are now under a wind chill warning with some areas reaching as low as -55 below 0. Electricity outages in some areas and major freeways closed.
I have been plowing customers parking lots for 24 hours straight. I just stopped home for some brief sleep before I need to get back out there. Needless to say, I wont be online much today.   ;)


No problem ARG.  Just stay as warm as you can and get back to us when you can.  Take care of yourself and your family first and foremost.

Thanks for posting this Maxx.  They are calling this "The Polar Vortex".  We didn't get much snow but we did have the cold temperatures and the high winds.  Tomorrow is supposed to be even worse, especially for me, because I actually have a Doctor Appt. tomorrow afternoon and tonight and tomorrow is supposed to be the coldest day we've had in 20 years, since January, 1994.  I woke up this morning at 3AM to start checking the weather because I knew that the doors on my car were going to start freezing up and I wouldn't be able to get into them.  Between midnight last night and 7AM this morning the temperature dropped from 60°F to 25°F and it's still dropping.  That, combined with the howling winds, fixed my car but good.  As I suspected, the doors were frozen shut but I eventually got in and went to the grocery to get a few things.  As I write this, the temperature is down to 14°F, dropping to 5°F by 5PM and 0°F by 8PM this evening.  Wind Chills right now are -1°F dropping down to -35°F (or -40) overnight tonight.  Happy Happy Joy Joy !!!  I suspect that I will be cancelling my Doctor Appt. for tomorrow and will probably be on here all day, so long as I don't lose power.

* ZarPrime stands up and knocks three times on the closest wooden end table



In some states they say it against the law to travel on road in this type weather and I think should be 7deg here -15 chil Factor, going down more and more,



Quote from: Maxx on Jan 06, 14, 01:34:30 PM
In some states they say it against the law to travel on road in this type weather and I think should be 7deg here -15 chil Factor, going down more and more,


It varies per county and depends on whether they are in a "State of Emergency" or "Snow Emergency". Each has it's own regulations.


Btw, the attached images are outside my front door last night. We got an additional 6 inches since then.


Wow, could I ever have some fun in that mess if I was, oh, about 40 years younger. ;D



+1 and Tony, Thanks for help those who need that's cool Bro! Not much snow here yet but way to cold for the old F@rt!
