TheCripZone SMF Themes Site

All Things Public => Theme Support => Topic started by: Morty on Jun 13, 12, 05:53:35 PM

Title: Regarding the theme "Submission"
Post by: Morty on Jun 13, 12, 05:53:35 PM
Greetings one and all.

Let me first start by thanking the author of these themes, it's come in great use.

What I wonder is if it is possible to change the area of where the current "Welcome <username>" area is in the top right corner.
Title: Re: Regarding the theme "Submission"
Post by: ZarPrime on Jun 13, 12, 06:38:02 PM
Sure, it can probably be moved but, in order to help you figure it out, we would need some additional information from you.

Title: Re: Regarding the theme "Submission"
Post by: Morty on Jun 13, 12, 06:43:05 PM
Would you be so kind to elaborate?

If the case is site, version etc you will find the information below.

Thanks in advance!

Link to my site:
SMF version: 2.0.2
TP version: 1.107
Default Forum Language: English
Theme name and version: Submission
Title: Re: Regarding the theme "Submission"
Post by: ZarPrime on Jun 13, 12, 07:16:17 PM
OK, I looked at it.  So, do you want to ...

BTW, when I was looking at your site, there was some javascript that automatically refreshed the FrontPage of your site as I was looking at the Welcome area trying to move it.  That might make it more difficult for me to figure out how to do that depending on what the refresh rate is.  Any idea what is causing the refresh?

Also, you might want to go ahead and join here as we are discussing whether guests should be allowed to post as you did.  This could be disallowed at some point tonight or tomorrow.

Title: Re: Regarding the theme "Submission"
Post by: Mortyy on Jun 13, 12, 07:22:06 PM
Hiding it prefferably, as I am wishing for the logo area to stretch either all the way, or atleast a little bit further. The current logo is just a test of the size and the BG.

You must excuse the poor design it currently has it was installed yesterday. Big kudo's on the theme to the author's by the way!

I have now registrered, and awaiting confirmation from an Administrator/Moderator. I think I will stick around here for some time after this case aswell!
Title: Re: Regarding the theme "Submission"
Post by: Morty on Jun 13, 12, 07:36:11 PM
Thanks for approving my membership.

Right, well.. I do not know what causes the refresh. It might be an script from an earlier CMS system that was installed on the server called e107.

I'll have to take a further look at that, though.
Title: Re: Regarding the theme "Submission"
Post by: ZarPrime on Jun 13, 12, 07:46:17 PM
OK, Morty, sorry it took me a few minutes but I have gone ahead and approved you.  The reason it took me a few minutes is that our Forum Spam Mod went crazy there for a minute on your name so I checked you out on and didn't see your EMail or IP address there so you're good.

Anyway, back to your issue.  Here's what we can do to hide that whole welcome area.  Download the css file for this theme from the following location --> YourSite/Themes/Orange/css/index.css?fin20

Open it up and search for the following ...

Code (Find This) Select
#userarea {
    color: #FFFFFF;
    float: right;
    font-family: verdana,geneva,lucida,"lucida grande",arial,helvetica,sans-serif;
    font-size: 0.98em;
    padding: 2.5em 25px 0 0;
    text-align: right;
    width: 38em;

On the line where it says "float: right;", change "right" to either "left" or "none" (remove the quotes).  That will move that whole area over under the the logo, thus hiding it.  This assumes that you logo is going to be the same width as it is now.  Then just save the file and upload it back up to the same location, overwriting the original.

That oughta do it.

Title: Re: Regarding the theme "Submission"
Post by: ZarPrime on Jun 13, 12, 07:48:34 PM
Ah, don't worry about the refresh.  It didn't happen to me when I got back into it.  If it doesn't bother you, it doesn't bother me. ;)

Title: Re: Regarding the theme "Submission"
Post by: ZarPrime on Jun 13, 12, 07:55:24 PM
BTW, I didn't mention it earlier but instead of overwriting the index.css file after you edit it, from your FTP program you might want to first rename the original to index.css.bak and then upload the edited file.  That way, you will have a backup of the original file in the same location in case you easily want to revert to the original.  We like backups here. ;)

Title: Re: Regarding the theme "Submission"
Post by: Morty on Jun 13, 12, 08:11:28 PM
Well, would you look at that. It is now all fixed! Thanks alot, Champ!

Nah, it is not disturbing me at the moment, but I'll create a subforum where people are able to leave messages for 'Improvement' I think!

Yes, I have figured as much after having to re-install the earlier CMS a couple of times.  :P

Thanks alot for your quick help, ZarPrime.
Title: Re: Regarding the theme "Submission"
Post by: ZarPrime on Jun 13, 12, 08:18:12 PM
No problem Morty.  Come back and see us again soon.  Lots of other nice themes here as well.  BTW, if you need help at the TinyPortal Site, you'll probably see me over there as well since I am a ( person there.  For now, I will go ahead and mark this topic solved. O0

Title: Re: Regarding the theme "Submission"
Post by: lurkalot on Jun 13, 12, 08:23:53 PM
Quote from: ZarPrime on Jun 13, 12, 08:18:12 PM
No problem Morty.  Come back and see us again soon.  Lots of other nice themes here as well.  BTW, if you need help at the TinyPortal Site, you'll probably see me over there as well since I am a ( person there.  For now, I will go ahead and mark this topic solved. O0


Zar, Morty did post over at the TP site first, and I sent him over here. lol..  This is going to freak him out, as we all  seem to be members of the same sites.  A bit like walking into a shop and then walking across the street into another shop, and the same staff serving you.  Spooky.  :D
Title: Re: Regarding the theme "Submission"
Post by: ZarPrime on Jun 13, 12, 08:27:51 PM
<Hah Hah> Yep, I saw the topic on earlier.  Someone once told me that they thought my evil twin worked across the street.  Now I know what they were talking about. :crazy2: :2funny: :2funny:

Title: Re: Regarding the theme "Submission"
Post by: Crip on Jun 14, 12, 06:35:47 AM
Good job ZarPrime. :up: :up:
Title: Re: Regarding the theme "Submission"
Post by: ZarPrime on Jun 14, 12, 06:50:41 AM
Thank you Sir!!! :D
Title: Re: Regarding the theme "Submission"
Post by: Morty on Jul 19, 12, 07:42:26 PM
Hey mate, me again!

I was wondering, when using an PNG file as a logo, that little bastard pops up again. Is there any way to remove it permanently?
Title: Re: Regarding the theme "Submission"
Post by: Maxx on Jul 20, 12, 09:32:38 AM
Morty can you give us a Url to your site, so I can have a look see!

Title: Re: Regarding the theme "Submission"
Post by: Morty on Jul 21, 12, 11:00:14 AM
Sure thing, you'll find it here, below:

I am currently playing around with the logo-thing, so if it is hidden behind the logo, it's probably because I'm testing out how PNG images would look etc etc.

I am wishing for a transparent logo however, but if I do have one, it becomes messed up with the background #userarea
Title: Re: Regarding the theme "Submission"
Post by: Maxx on Jul 21, 12, 11:55:02 AM
Well the way it is now the logo is right on top of the user area and that can not be good. you will need to either place the user area to float right or remove it and bring it up on the block, for log-in purposes, to re move it you will need to give Crip the Index.php. to float it to right side you'll need to edit the index.css file!

EDIT: I think you'll need to remove the user are and H1 section. from the index.template.php! your logo seems to go all the way over.

Title: Re: Regarding the theme "Submission"
Post by: Morty on Jul 23, 12, 01:10:03 AM
Hey, Maxx!

Thanks for the reply. It is ideal to me to have the #userarea away from sight actually. Right now I'm just tempering with how the logo would look if I could stretch it all over the page, without screwing up anything else.

I do like how it is without the #userarea in the index, to be honest. It looks so clean, which is exactly what I wanted it to do. Max creds to the design, by the way!

Do you by the way have any tips for customizing the logo to fit with a new scale of pixels? I'm thinking about making it a bit taller, but when I try to do such, it simply stretches over the 'News' area and the 'Search' bar which I think is handy in some situations.

Best of Regards
Title: Re: Regarding the theme "Submission"
Post by: Crip on Jul 23, 12, 06:21:05 AM
Morty -
What is it you want done ? .... i b sorry if I misread... Show & Tell bro'
Title: Re: Regarding the theme "Submission"
Post by: Morty on Jul 26, 12, 05:36:04 PM
I would really like to remove #userarea from the top.

As I would like to add a .png image which has a transparent background to it. However, if I add one now, I will have the #userarea still showing through the image.

I would also like to increase the height of the image without having it overlapping the rest of the text and the "Search" field. How is this done?

(Optimal size would be 1670 x 140 pixels)

Title: Re: Regarding the theme "Submission"
Post by: Crip on Jul 27, 12, 06:49:57 AM
Morty , I  can do that for you if you allow me a Temp. Admin Account via Admin ??