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Ambassador For RC4 Released!

Started by Skhilled, Sep 09, 21, 08:52:54 AM

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Here it is. Kick the tires and take her for a spin. LOL

EDIT: Sorry, the latest update is 11.8.21 below. Found a few issues...


Quote from: Skhilled on Sep 09, 21, 08:52:54 AM
Here it is. Kick the tires and take her for a spin. LOL

Nice job. Very nice looking theme skin.
Have a look:


Thanks, Ron. :)

EDIT: Les and worked hard on it.

Special thanks to Sych0 for his valuable help and insight!  O0


I almost can see a demo of it in the link below until I upgrade the demo site. LOL


Found a few small issues and fixed them.  :-\ The latest update is in the first post.  :coolsmiley:


Sorry! Yet another update!  >:( Found a couple of issues...again.  :laugh:

All should be good now.  8) The first post has been updated...


Hi Skhilled,
I finally found time to install your theme. It seems to work with no issues.

Thank you very much!



Maybe there is an issue. The login button after users log out stop to work showing a popup with "Error".

Here is the related code in index.template.php of Ambassador theme:

<li>', sprintf($txt[$context['can_register'] ? 'welcome_guest_register' : 'welcome_guest'], $context['forum_name_html_safe'], $scripturl . '?action=login', 'return reqOverlayDiv(this.href, ' . JavaScriptEscape($txt['login']) . ');', $scripturl . '?action=signup'), '</li>

It seems that

reqOverlayDiv(this.href, ' . JavaScriptEscape($txt['login'])

sometimes doesn't work, as you can see in the network tab of browser dev tools.

Does the same happen to you?


I don't remember that happening to me remember before but will test it. Thanks for reporting it.

EDIT: Yes, it is happening to me now but never did before. I'm wondering if it has something to do with browsers being updated or something. I'll look into it and thanks, again. :)